Language Puzzles

Bi-lingual language puzzle videos from the archives. Listening and reading practice, including lots of insights into the Ngāpuhi language. 300 archived videos that are being reformatted and uploaded.

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  • Noisy


    Language Puzzle: What is the most commonly used term for noisy?

  • Seat Belt

    Seat Belt

    Language Puzzle: How would you say are you wearing your seat belt?

  • Stack The Clothes

    Stack The Clothes

    Language Puzzle: How do you say I'm stacking the clothes?

  • Piles of Clothes

    Piles of Clothes

    Language Puzzle: How would you say there's a different pile for each member of the family?

  • Folding Clothes

    Folding Clothes

    Language Puzzle: How would you say I'm folding the sheet?

  • Free of Hair

    Free of Hair

    Language Puzzle: How would you say that your face is free of hair?

  • Push Your Hair to One Side

    Push Your Hair to One Side

    Language Puzzle: Mea is a placeholder word that can be used to replace any word you can't think of in the moment. How can we use this word to say push your hair to one side?

  • Covered in Hair

    Covered in Hair

    Language Puzzle: How do you say covered in hair?